March 2021
- 160,000+ home working employees
- 817,000+ employees in
- Leesman+ workplaces
- Future workplace strategy
- Data-driven decisions
- Leadership
March 2021
Are you future-ready? Will your organisation and its spaces sufficiently support your workforce?
Do you see COVID-19 as body-blow to real estate, or a rapid accelerant of trends already underway? Either way, it’s time to respond. It’s time to act.
As business leaders rush to reappraise the role of workplace in their organisations, research from the world’s largest employee workplace experience benchmark shows how a series of simple tests can determine just how primed an organisation is for its post-pandemic workplace future.
The answers to these questions shortcut leaders to where focus is most needed, where the greatest opportunities exist, and where weaknesses in legacy systems threaten to destabilise any sense of a new normality being better than before.
The answers to these questions set the future-ready apart from the rest.